For my grandson's first Christmas, I gave him a G.I. Joe doll that I had repackaged as "My First War Toy from Bechtel!". It got a mixed reception.
Now, almost five years later, and after countless hours of his playing with Star Wars figurines and spaceships, I've given him his first toy gun. It's a replica bolt-action Enfield .308.
He immediately struck this pose.
What say you? Nature or nurture?
Nature. I played army, shot "guns" at the bad guys, shot BB guns, learned how to shoot a 22, all that.
I never owned a gun, don't think I ever will.
I'm quite pleased with the nurture and I can't do a thing about the nature.
Annie said...
"I'm quite pleased with the nurture and I can't do a thing about the nature."
Nature is the base and the foundation. Nurture is the construct upon that base. To deny the base is to weaken the foundation. To construct nothing vertical on the foundation, is to remain at base... and that does nothing in response to God's call.
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