I saw this bumper-sticker on a car this morning as I was leaving my men's Christian accountability small-group meeting. At first, I liked it, but within a few moments I began to see it differently. I began to see it as someone who didn't just come from an early morning meeting of disciples of Jesus. I saw it through the eyes of a lost soul, and my enthusiasm drained away.
This may well be the least "Christian" bumper sticker I've ever seen. Much like Jesus' parable of the Pharisee and the Publican praying in the Temple, this message combines Triumphalism with Works Righteousness into a deadly "one-two" punch.
This message confirms the opinion many non-Christians have that Christians are judgemental, self-righteous, and intolerant, while possessing a victimization complex, too. Instead of being "as gentle as a dove, and wise as a serpent," this sticker announces someone as being "gentle as a snake, and wise as a pigeon." It was bumper stickers like this that led me to produce the Jesus Prayer bumper stickers – "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on Me, a Sinner."

See the difference? Repent and proclaim Christ Jesus as Lord. It's a big difference from the message behind "I Pray. Get Used to It."
I once considered making bumper stickers for today's Pharisees: "I'm Saved. To Hell with You!" The message on that little Toyota may well achieve the same effect.