Oct 2, 2006

How we "do" church.

We "do church" mostly by keeping our eyes fixed on our rearview mirrors.

We focus on what used to be, and on where we've been. We watch it all shrink in size, and we flip the high-beam guard down should any "bright lights" come up behind us to pass.

We don't look where we are going. We don't look toward our destination. We swerve across the road, forcing others into the ditch.

We miss turns. We run red lights. We drive off the road, and see it as something in the past. We live our lives as the church in reverse.

We've forgotten where we're supposed to be going, mistaking where we came from for our destination.

WARNING: Objects in mirror are further away than they appear.

But along the way, off the wide road, people walk toward the destination ahead. Some are running. Many have gotten out of the broken down and wrecked cars that litter the roadside. Pedestrians have no need of rearview mirrors. They walk by light and compass.

Luke 9:62 (New International Version)

Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."

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