

List of comfort foods
While any foods or beverages could be considered comfort foods, there are many in the
Bagel with Cream Cheese
Bagel with Cream Cheese and Lox
Baked Apples
BBQ Ribs
Corned Beef on Rye
Corn (creamed)
Corn (on/off the cob)
Étouffée (Crawfish or shrimp)
Fried Catfish
Fried Chicken
Hamburger with garnishes of that individual's choosing
Noodle Kugel
Peach Cobbler
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
Pecan Pie
Rotisserie Chicken
Soup (particularly Chicken Noodle Soup)
Turkey and Stuffing with Cranberry Sauce
Isaiah 40
Comfort for God's People
1 Comfort, comfort my people,says your God.
2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,
and proclaim to her
that her hard service has been completed,
that her sin has been paid for,
that she has received from the LORD's hand
double for all her sins.
We go to church to be comforted by indulging in a guilty pleasure. We come for a sweet-treat reward for our week of being "good". We clamor after spiritual candy, happily paying for a banana-split for the soul.
We know the fattening intake of empty calories is bad for us, so we limit our intake. We save God for a once-a-week indulgence ("Sunday morning Happy Hour"), or for "special occasions" likes Christmas, Easter,weddings, christenings, and funerals.
Longing for false childhood memories of "home", we have become spiritual-food junkies. We are loyal to our name-brand religions, addicted to their sugar-coated gospels, deep-fried discipleship, and a creme-filled christ on a wafer.
Where's the meat? We'd gag on the raw meat of Jesus. We need beef-jerky and salt-pork for our long journey, but we pack Snickers and fruit roll-ups (some who take their "religion" seriously take trail mix to keep their bowels regular).
In the Land of Plenty, we load up on Good-N-Plentys. Our bellies distend, our teeth become perforated. We sense a problem, so we switch to Diet Coke as a spiritual discipline during the week.
Enabled by the clerical Ronald McDonald, Jack, and the Burger King, we are going to hell via the drive-through. Will that be cash, credit, or debit?
Did I mention the cost? It's cheap grace.
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