Nov 4, 2004

In W's wake.

As a pro-life Democrat (all bad things to all peoples: a liberal to conservatives, a conservative to liberals, a homophobe to Gay Rights supporters, a Sodomite-enabler to Fundamentalists, etc., etc.) I have been toying with the idea of mounting a campaign for some way down-ticket office (or hopelessly lost cause... as most Dem slots are here in Texas), just so I can run a campaign as a "Christian Democrat". EVERY position would be based on the Good News of Jesus (explicitly) as rooted in the Law of Moses.

The Democratic Party needs some real Christians in it badly (yes, I am old enough to remember the Christian influences on the Civil Rights and Anti-War movements of my youth).

The GOP could use a few REAL Christians, too, who have God's law written on their hearts, and not just on granite monuments set up for public adoration.

I'll return now to Bonhoeffer and Kirkegaard (and Martin Luther King).

1 comment:

Darrell Grizzle said...

I hope you do run for office! Even a local office like county commissioner can have a huge impact.

I voted for Kerry because his vision of what America should be is closer to mine than Bush's ever was. There are things about Kerry that bother me, but there are far more things abuot Bush that bother me.

I agree 100% with your statement, "The GOP could use a few REAL Christians, too, who have God's law written on their hearts, and not just on granite monuments set up for public adoration."

I'll return now to Kierkegaard too, and Martin Luther King, and also these old Perry Mason novels on my nightstand...
