All "baptized" Christians have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. We are, as Paul says, a Temple for God to live in.
But too many Christians try to be less the Temple of the Spirit, than to be the Spirit's Prison, a place where the Holy Spirit is kept in a kind of solitary confinement...under lock and key. We prefer to see it as some sort of "protective custody", as if the Spirit is untrustworthy and incapable of being freed from our prisons of doctrine and fear. We set ourselves up "in loco parentis" as guardians of God's foolishness.
We only fool ourselves.
If we try to run a prison for He who can't be contained, we end up guarding an empty building, populated only with prison guards. We look into our hearts, see the guards and say, "Oh good! The Spirit is safe!"
The reality of the situation is this; all we have done is to try and make ourselves safe from the Spirit.
Foolish Galatians.
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