Your little boat is caught in a raging storm, taking on water as it is tossed to and fro. You are clinging to the bulkhead for all your life, even though you boat is sinking. Drowning is imminent, either from being thrown overboard, or from going down with your boat.
Just as all appears lost, a hero comes by and attaches a life line to your boat. He works his way from his big ship to your small, sinking craft. He reaches his hand out to you and says calmly but forcefully, "Let go of your boat, take my hand, and I will save you!"
You feebly extend your arm and he grasps you securely, first by the wrist and then by the waist, as he begins hauling you to safety. He clearly will not let go as he carries you back to his vessel. Exhausted, you collapse in his arms. You have been rescued from certain death. You have been saved.
Once on shore at safe haven, there is a big celebration over your miraculous rescue. As people cheer and celebrate, you go on and on about the courage and strength of your rescuer, how he put his life on the line to save yours. The hero, however, simply says how glad he is that you put your trust in him and, at the decisive moment, you reached out to him and you let go of your sinking boat.
How foolish it would be to imagine that you saved yourself.
But it would be equally foolish to imagine that you didn't need to let go and reach out when called.
To be saved, one must let go. To win, one must surrender.
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