Sunrise over White Rock Lake. It always brings out the Doxology from me.
This is where Brushy Creek drains into the lake. The old concrete Art Deco boat houses can be seen along the inlet's shore.
...and the Damned Fool. A curmudgeonly review of life, the universe, and everything... including, as appropriate, The Good News. A proud member of the True Reason Community.
Two Issues - Because of Obama - Democrats Can Never Use Again
We just realized there are now two issues Democrats can never use effectively against Republicans ever again, because of Barack Obama:
(1) Voting Rights --- On May 31st, 2008, the Democrats lost any moral ground in voting rights, and also forfeited all grievances for Florida's handling of the 2000 Gore Recount. When the Democratic Party ruled against voters in favor of Obama on May 31st, 2008, the Democrats lost all moral authority on the issue of voting rights.
(2) Campaign Finance Reform --- On June 19th, 2008, the Democrats lost any moral ground on the issue of campaign finance reform, when presumptive nominee Barack Obama backed out of his firm pledge to hold to current campaign finance reform law. If the Democrats don't hold themselves to this in 2008, why should the Republicans, in this or any other year?
How many more items are the Democrats going to add to this list of issues they can never use against the Republicans again, by following Obama's lead?
If the Democrats keep adding to this list, they beg the question: "What does the Democratic Party stand for now, under Obama, when everything it stood for before was tossed aside in favor of Obama?"
"Let it be understood now and hereafter, that this is to be no joint debate," he said in that high-pitched shrill voice of his. "My friends have arranged for the use of this building and I intend to be the only speaker. But it is a tenet of our faith that in a Democratic gathering no man who calls himself a Democrat shall be denied the right to be heard. If the gentleman will be content to ask his question, whatever it is, and abide by my answer to it, I am willing that he should speak."
"That suits me," clarioned the interrupter. "My question is this: Didn't you say at the Louisville convention not four weeks ago that if the Democrats of Kentucky, in convention assembled, nominated a yaller dog for governor you would vote for him?"
"I did," said Hallam calmly.
"Well, then," whooped the heckler, eager now to press his seeming advantage, "in the face of that statement, why do you now repudiate the nominee of that convention, the Honorable William Goebel?"
For his part Hallam waited for perfect quiet and at length got it.
"I admit," he stated blandly, "that I said then what I now repeat, namely, that when the Democratic party of Kentucky, in convention assembled, sees fit in its wisdom to nominate a yaller dog for the governorship of this great state, I will support him — but lower than that ye shall not drag me!"
But lower than that, you will not drag me.